Sunday, January 16, 2011

"Newspapers Online" Talk in San Mateo

Saturday I gave a presentation to the San Mateo County Genealogical Society ( on using online newspaper databases in genealogical research.  Almost 60 people came, and we kept adding chairs.  The talk went very well, and everyone said I explained things very clearly and that the examples were excellent.  One person told me she felt "inspired!"  That's the kind of thing you love to hear as a speaker!  It was a great group, and they've asked me to give another talk later this year.

Right after my talk I drove as quickly as I could to get back to Oakland so I could attend the Blogging 101 workshop at the California Genealogical Society (, where I learned how to get this blog going, thanks to Craig Siulinski (  He was a patient instructor and walked everyone through the process.  It obviously worked -- my blog is here!

I think my Saturday represents a fundamental truism of genealogy -- we can always learn more, and we often can teach someone else something that will help that person with his research.  Take advantage of educational opportunities as often as you can, and reach out to others to give them guidance with their research if you can.

1 comment:

  1. Janice,
    Congratulations! Yours is the newest CGS member blog listed on the sidebar of the
    California Genealogical Society and Library blog. Craig has promised to write me a blog report on the workshop. It sounds like it was a great success!


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