Sunday, February 5, 2012

“Build Your Own Genealogy Blog”

Craig Siulinski, the person who taught the class that got me started with my blog, will be making a presentation on the same topic at 1:00 p.m. on Thursday, April 5, for the Genealogical Society of Santa Cruz County.  The talk will be at the Santa Cruz Public Library, 224 Church Street, Santa Cruz, California.  Craig explains things clearly and is very supportive of people in his classes, both during and after the class.  He gives you lots of resources and checks with you afterward to see how your blog is going.  I highly recommend his class for anyone who is thinking about starting a blog for their genealogy.  For more information call (831) 427-7707 x5794.


  1. Hi Janice, I've started a blog myself about genealogy a while ago. I'm considering one to track my research activities for one of my specific surname research activities. Is the presentation you mention recorded and available online? I checked the genealogical society web site and didn't see notes listed but I could have missed them.

    Thank you.

    Shack - The Ancestry Ace

  2. Hi, Shack,
    Congratulations on your blog! I'm pretty sure that Craig's talk wasn't recorded in Santa Cruz. He has given the talk a few times, though, and someone else might have recorded it. If you want to send me your e-mail address directly (to, I can pass it on to Craig and he can let you know.


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