Saturday, September 1, 2012

Publication about Black Builders in Ohio

Planned for Fall 2014 is a publication titled Undiscovered Builders:  The Work of African American Visionaries in Ohio.  It will focus on the historical context of these individuals' careers as architects, contractors, stone artisans, engineers, and developers and their contributions to their communities. Many were not formally educated and may have received only local or in some cases no recognition of their work.

If you have materials within your collection or if you are a researcher and have identified someone relative to this project, you are invited to submit a one-page synopsis about those materials and the subject of any potential research you are conducting.  The submitter would write the article and receive credit in the finished work.  The deadline for submissions is September 7, 2012.

If you have any questions, or if you wish to send a submission, contact:
Jacky Johnson, Archivist
Miami University
Western College Memorial Archives
Oxford, OH 45056

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