Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Wordless Wednesday


  1. So now that it's past Wordless Wednesday, can you comment on who that man is? I can read the labels and surmise that he's your cousin, but how far removed? Curious people want to know...ok, at least one curious person, but there may be more.

    1. At least you read the labels! :) He is my second cousin once removed. His grandfather and my great-grandfather were brothers. He was so excited to learn the family's original last name (Gorodetsky, which my great-grandfather changed to Gordon less than a year after arriving in the U.S.) that he named his company after it.

  2. He named his company Gorodetsky? How cool is that!?!?!

    I hope you are keeping in touch - and that someone (perhaps he himself) gets inspired to find more stuff and join you in the genealogy happy dance!

    1. Yup, named the company and his Web domain Gorodetsky. Very cool indeed.

      Definitely keeping in touch! In fact, when we got together on July 4th, he showed me the family tree he's been building online. And then, of course, I found more information for him ....


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