Saturday, August 13, 2016

Saturday Night Genealogy Fun: How Many Autosomal DNA Matches Do You Have?

I was out of town last week and missed Saturday Night Genealogy Fun because I didn't have my family tree database with me, but I'm back now!  That's a good thing, because to look up the information for this week's project from Randy Seaver I needed the logins that are on my home computer.

Here is your assignment if you choose to play along (cue the Mission:  Impossible music, please!):

1) Have you had you autosomal DNA tested by a genetics company?  Which companies?

2)  How many autosomal DNA matches do you have at each company, by approximate relationship?

3)  Tell us about them in your own blog post, in a comment to this post, or on Facebook or Google+.  Please add a comment to this post so folks can find your information.

I have had automsomal DNA tests done through AncestryDNA, Family Tree DNA, and Genes for Good.  I have uploaded my raw data to

Here is my match information.


• One 1st cousin (actually a known aunt)
• One 2nd cousin (actually a known 1st cousin)
• Three 3rd cousins (one of whom is a known 2nd cousin once removed)
• 327 4th cousins

Family Tree DNA

• One parent (my father)
• One aunt/uncle (an aunt, different from the one on Ancestry)
• One 2nd to 3rd cousin (the same 2nd cousin once removed who is also on Ancestry)
• Forty-three 2nd to 4th cousins
• 506 3rd to 5th cousins
• 1,088 4th to remote cousins
• 2,589 5th to remote cousins


• 25 with fewer than 4 generations (among these matches are the 2nd cousin once removed, the 1st cousin from AncestryDNA, and the aunt who tested through FTDNA, along with a couple of other cousins whose names I recognize)
• 748 with 4.0 to 4.4 generations
• 1,227 with 4.5 to 4.9 generations

Genes for Good allows you to download your raw data, but so far it can't be uploaded anywhere else.

I know that an important reason I have so many matches is the endogamy common among Ashkenazi Jews.  I will probably never determine the connection I have with anyone past 3rd cousin, and if I figure out any of the 3rd cousins I'll be doing well.

Going through this has been helpful in a few ways.  First, I realized I have not transferred the raw data of my aunt who tested through AncestryDNA to FTDNA.  I also have not transferred her data nor that of my father to GEDMatch.  These are both necessary steps to take, as I am trying to determine the biological father of my paternal grandfather.

Second, while looking through the lists on the different sites, I recognized several of the names who appeared as new matches.  I need to check those out further.

Third, I noticed some names were on all three sites, which means we should be able to compare our information more effectively.  And that means I need to get back to doing more work with my DNA results!

And last but not least, I finally found something where my numbers are higher than Randy's!


  1. That is cool that it was helpful for you to look at your DNA accounts again. I hope you find more matches!


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