Genealogy is like a jigsaw puzzle, but you don't have the box top, so you don't know what the picture is supposed to look like. As you start putting the puzzle together, you realize some pieces are missing, and eventually you figure out that some of the pieces you started with don't actually belong to this puzzle. I'll help you discover the right pieces for your puzzle and assemble them into a picture of your family.
Wednesday, November 29, 2017
Saturday, November 25, 2017
Saturday Night Genealogy Fun: Drive Down Memory Lane: Family Cars
For this week's Saturday Night Genealogy Fun exercise, Randy Seaver has chosen a great topic, although I'm not sure I will be able to do it justice:
Your mission, should you decide to accept it (cue the Mission: Impossible! music), is:
(1) Drive down Memory Lane: What were your family cars? From childhood to now, year, model, color, features. Can you remember?
(2) Share your memories with us in your own blog post, in a Facebook post, or a comment on this post. Please comment on this post if you write somewhere else.
My father is the person who will know exactly what cars we had when I was a kid, but first I'll see what I can remember and then ask him to supplement my comments. I remember more from when I was older, of course.
• The first vehicle I remember any stories about was not a car but a motorcycle (and more of them will appear in my timeline later). The story is that my father took my mother motorcycle riding to Death Valley while she was pregnant with my sister. I don't know what kind of bike that was, although my guess is Indian or Harley-Davidson.
• My father sent me a scan of a photograph of me sitting on an Indian motorcycle which I believe belonged to him. The photo is from 1967, so I was 5, but I don't know what year the motorcycle is. The photo was taken in Southern California, probably in La Puente?
• The first car I remember my family having was a Plymouth Barracuda, which because my family liked to play around with words we called a Baccaruda. No clue as to year, color, or whatever. I remember it was a two-door and the three of us kids had to cram into the back seat. I think we had it when we lived in Southern California, so my guess is sometime between 1969 and 1971.
• In Australia the only car I can recall is a Mini Cooper, which was awesome! Even though my dad is 6'1" and we three kids were growing, it had plenty of room inside for everyone. Again I don't remember year, color, or other details. I know we had it while we lived in Pagewood, which was toward the end of the time we were in Australia, so definitely during the beginning of 1973, maybe extending back to the end of 1972?
• After we returned to the States and moved to Niceville, Florida (yes, that's really the name), at some point we had a Mercedes that wasn't really a Mercedes. It was one of those kit cars where the outside is just a facade and the car underneath is something else. I remember no details about it. We probably had it around 1973–1974.
• After we moved from Niceville to Villa Tasso (still in Florida), my father had a Chevrolet Chevelle that ended up being painted BFY, for Bright (expletive deleted) Yellow. I have a vague recollection that the man who later became my stepfather, who worked with my father, painted it that color as some sort of revenge, or maybe it was a bet. It quickly became an albatross — everyone in town knew that car was ours. We were immediately recognizable everywhere.
• One day while I was walking around Villa Tasso, which probably had only about 200 residents, I found a Mini Cooper in someone's yard. I ran back home to get my father to drag him to look at it, because I wanted it. He bought it for $75; I don't know if the title was in my name, but it was supposed to be for me. The interior was shot and the tires were all flat. Because it was going to be my car, I had to help my father take each tire off one at a time, roll it back to our house, pump it up with a compressor (yes, we had one at the house), roll it back to the car, and put it back on. We then rolled the car to our house. My father was going to get it into running condition for me. I wanted to have it painted purple and yellow and call it the Minnesota Mini. Nothing ever happened with it, and I believe my father sold it for the $75 he paid for it.
• My first motorcycle was a 75CC Yamahauler in 1975 or so, which I think my father bought for me. It was kind of a starter motorcycle for kids. My father, however, liked to ride around on it, but it was so small his knees were up by his ears. I don't remember what happened to the bike.
• My mother drove a Chevy Corvair for a while. I think it was white. I remember that it was really low to the ground, because when we had heavy rains and the unpaved roads in Villa Tasso flooded, we couldn't go out in the Corvair, because the water came up through the floorboards. At least once the only way we managed to get to school was the parent of another student who lived in Villa Tasso came and picked us up.
• After my parents divorced and my mother had married my stepfather, the latter promised me a 1964 1/2 Ford Mustang convertible (the only car I've ever really wanted) for my high school graduation present. At one point he found a 1967 Mustang for me and started to fix it up. While he was working on it he discovered that it was rusting out from the inside (the joys of unibody construction), so he slapped a quick paint job on it (I think it was light tan) and sold it to someone. I never drove the car.
• I don't know when we got it, but in 1979 we had a Fiat 124. It was a small, boxy yellow car. My sister nicknamed it Turkey, after the character on Captain Kool and the Kongs. In one of the few instances when I really got in trouble with my parents growing up, I drove the Fiat by myself in the summer of 1979 from Villa Tasso to Auburn, Alabama for a reunion of students who had participated in a math seminar the previous year. It was a 200-mile trip in a torrential, driving Southern thunderstorm, and I had no idea that the car shouldn't have been able to make the trip. It didn't give me any problems on the way.
• Sometime around 1980 or 1981 my parents moved to San Antonio, Texas. No recollection as to when he found it, but my stepfather bought a 1964 1/2 Mustang that had been sitting on the back part of someone's property for many, many years. It wasn't a convertible, and the tires, roof, and interior were shot, but the body was in decent shape. Just like my Minnesota Mini, this was supposed to have been fixed up for me. It never was, and in 1992 I had my parents sell the car so I could make a down payment on a house. That was where I lived for 24 years in Oakland, California. I used to tell people I was living in my Mustang.
• Maybe around 1983, while I was living in Los Angeles, I had a red Ford Pinto. I don't remember where or how I got it. I do remember someone broke into it one day while it was parked in front of where I was living. The only thing stolen was the registration. I have no memory of what happened to it.
• Sometime after the Pinto I acquired a Pontiac Firebird, or one of the GM cars that had the same body. I think it was white (I seem to have had a lot of white cars). I had it in 1984, because I drove it to San Antonio while the Olympics were in town. All nonessential staff at USC were told to take two weeks of vacation during the Olympics to get us off the campus. I drove the car to San Antonio because my stepfather was going to give it a spiffy paint job for me (he was primarily a paint and body man). I had my bicycle in the back seat, so he could paint that also. When I arrived, however, Ric looked over the car and discovered the head was cracked, so he wouldn't let me have it back. He did paint the bicycle a beautiful pearl flake (which he had left over in the shop), and I brought it back to L.A. with me on the plane trip I had to take because I no longer had the car.
• After knee surgery in 1985, I could no longer ride a bicycle, so I decided to buy a motorcycle, because it was less expensive than a car. I got a Suzuki GS550. I think it was red. I had a custom plate that read "JANS GS." I kept it for a few years until I upgraded to a larger bike.
• Sometime around 1986 or 1987 I got a 1964 Pontiac Catalina (I think) 9-passenger station wagon from my parents. I think I had determined that as cool as it was to ride the motorcycle, occasionally I needed to move stuff around (although I have moved furniture and large musical instruments on a motorcycle). I wanted my stepfather to paint it black, so it would look like a hearse, but that's when I learned that black is a very difficult color to do well. The car ended up green, which was a color he had left over in the shop (again). It came in really handy while I was in the USC Marching Band, because it was almost big enough to fit an entire 10-piece band (used for small gigs) and all their instruments. In 1988 or 1989, someone broke one of the quarter panel windows, which would have cost about $300 to replace, to steal a $20 emergency car care kit. Luckily, my stepfather had another station wagon in the shop that used the same windows, so he shipped me the replacement, and all I had to pay for was the installation. When I moved from Los Angeles to Berkeley, I drove the Oldsmobile. One of my new friends in the Bay Area nicknamed the car Space Cruiser Yamato because it was so huge. When the transmission started to go, it was too expensive to have the work done locally, so I put the car on a car carrier to send back to my stepfather to work on. Through a series of events painful to recall, the station wagon was never retrieved from the shipper, so it was claimed on a lien and lost to me forever.
• While I was still in Los Angeles, I decided that the Suzuki 550 was not big enough anymore, so I sold it and bought a Honda CB750K. It was blue. It was also a relatively unpopular model. It was tall and had a very high center of gravity. To take out the battery, you had to remove the covers from both sides of the bike. The center stand was an absolute bear to maneuver; it always took two people to get it to work. The one thing the bike really had going for it was the 5 1/2 gallon gas tank, because it was built for touring. I drove that motorcycle up and down I-5 several times to go to Renaissance Faires in the Bay Area. It was stolen one night while I was working at the USC Hillel (I was the kosher cook there), so between fall of 1988 and spring of 1989. (I'm pretty sure I know who stole it, in a revenge scheme, but I was never able to prove it.) I lasted about a week before I bought a replacement bike (see my next entry). A couple of months after I bought the new bike, the Honda was found by the police on the side of a freeway, where it had been abandoned by someone running from the police. I don't remember how I got it up to Berkeley when I moved there in September 1989, but I couldn't find a buyer. I ended up giving it to my landlady's lover. I think I had a personal license plate for this bike also.
• Because I couldn't stand not having a motorcycle after the Honda was stolen, I went out and found a new bike. I went bigger again, this time buying a Yamaha XJ 920 Virago. It was black. It was a pretty cool bike. I rode it up and down I-5 a bunch of times also, although I had to stop for gas more often, because it wasn't a touring bike and had only a 3 1/2 gallon tank. I had a personal plate for it, but I don't remember what it was. I had the Virago until the summer of 1994, when the third (expletive deleted) who drove through a red light totaled it. I was very lucky and came out of the incident with only a broken toe. Of course the idiot didn't have insurance.
• Shortly before I moved to Berkeley, one of my housemates abruptly moved out and left her Honda Rebel 125 motorcycle behind. I got a title for it purely so I could sell it, but that did make it mine for a while. I think I rode it once or twice?
• I think it was after I bought the house in Oakland, therefore 1993 or later, that I got the 1971 Oldsmobile Delta 88 convertible. This was also from my parents. I was told it was one of the three largest production convertibles ever made; it was an absolute boat. I remember the first thing that my stepfather and his business partner both told me when I saw the car: "Never lock the doors." It is too easy with a ragtop to just slice the cover, so there's no use taking the risk. This car, which was another white one, was fun to drive. It had tons of room and turned on a dime. But with a 455 engine, it got 10 miles to the gallon when it was fully tuned, going downhill, with the wind behind it. In addition to that problem, I realized I was never putting the top down. I eventually sold the car to my cousin. I don't know what he did with it.
• After selling the convertible I needed a replacement vehicle. This time my parents provided me with a 1983 Chevy G20 short van. I flew to Florida (they had moved back from Texas by that time) to pick it up and drive it to California. This was probably in early 1995. I loved that van; it was a workhorse. Oh, did I mention it was white? I drove it up and down I-5 to multiple Ren Faires and game conventions. I took it to Reno for a conference for work and then down to Vegas for a get-together of game industry people. I even had the engine rebuilt when the car hit 150,000 miles. Eventually it died at 255,000 miles, in 2010, and I gave it to a charity reseller. The personal license plate was "DRD PIR8" (for Dread Pirate, from The Princess Bride).
• Probably about 2007 my surgeon said I had recovered enough from shoulder surgery that it was ok for me to ride a motorcycle again. I looked up bikes on Craigslist and found someone selling a red crotch rocket. I don't remember what make it was, but it was definitely Japanese, because all I've ever owned are rice burners. It turned out that I wasn't actually recovered enough, because the shoulder had torn again, so I didn't have the bike for long before I sold it.
• I don't do well without my own transportation. When my Chevy van died in 2010, it took me only four days from when my mechanic told me it was a goner to buying a replacement. My father helped me find a 2003 Chrysler PT Cruiser Turbo. I transferred the DRD PIR8 license plate to it. I was thinking I was finally going to have a vehicle with decent mileage, but my sister, who had owned a few Cruisers, warned me that the Turbo wasn't that great. It was an improvement over the van, though: I went from 15 to 20 miles per gallon. The Putt Putt, as I fondly called it, was reasonably reliable. It was black, which I discovered made the interior much warmer than I had expected. After all those white cars, it was a huge difference. The Cruiser and I got along fairly well, but it died on me in spectacular fashion this past June, conking out on Sepulveda Boulevard in the San Fernando Valley in rush-hour traffic. My mechanic back home in Oakland wanted to check it out to make sure about the condition, so I had it towed the 400 miles back. After performing last rites over it, it was time to move on.
• The vehicle I have now is a silver 2005 Toyota RAV4. I think it took a couple of weeks after the Cruiser died to finalize this purchase, mostly because of being out of town when it happened. This is kind of like having a van again, because it has a lot of room inside. It was crammed totally full when I drove the 600 miles to Portland, Oregon on August 31. I didn't transfer my personalized plates because the existing plates were still valid through November, and I already knew I was going to be moving to Oregon, so it made no sense to buy new California plates. So I have some nondescript plates for the moment, but last week I registered the Toyota here in Portland, and my new custom plates are on the way. Unfortunately, Oregon allows only six characters on a license plate, so I had to settle for DRD PR8.
Your mission, should you decide to accept it (cue the Mission: Impossible! music), is:
(1) Drive down Memory Lane: What were your family cars? From childhood to now, year, model, color, features. Can you remember?
(2) Share your memories with us in your own blog post, in a Facebook post, or a comment on this post. Please comment on this post if you write somewhere else.
My father is the person who will know exactly what cars we had when I was a kid, but first I'll see what I can remember and then ask him to supplement my comments. I remember more from when I was older, of course.
• The first vehicle I remember any stories about was not a car but a motorcycle (and more of them will appear in my timeline later). The story is that my father took my mother motorcycle riding to Death Valley while she was pregnant with my sister. I don't know what kind of bike that was, although my guess is Indian or Harley-Davidson.
• My father sent me a scan of a photograph of me sitting on an Indian motorcycle which I believe belonged to him. The photo is from 1967, so I was 5, but I don't know what year the motorcycle is. The photo was taken in Southern California, probably in La Puente?
• The first car I remember my family having was a Plymouth Barracuda, which because my family liked to play around with words we called a Baccaruda. No clue as to year, color, or whatever. I remember it was a two-door and the three of us kids had to cram into the back seat. I think we had it when we lived in Southern California, so my guess is sometime between 1969 and 1971.
• In Australia the only car I can recall is a Mini Cooper, which was awesome! Even though my dad is 6'1" and we three kids were growing, it had plenty of room inside for everyone. Again I don't remember year, color, or other details. I know we had it while we lived in Pagewood, which was toward the end of the time we were in Australia, so definitely during the beginning of 1973, maybe extending back to the end of 1972?
• After we returned to the States and moved to Niceville, Florida (yes, that's really the name), at some point we had a Mercedes that wasn't really a Mercedes. It was one of those kit cars where the outside is just a facade and the car underneath is something else. I remember no details about it. We probably had it around 1973–1974.
• After we moved from Niceville to Villa Tasso (still in Florida), my father had a Chevrolet Chevelle that ended up being painted BFY, for Bright (expletive deleted) Yellow. I have a vague recollection that the man who later became my stepfather, who worked with my father, painted it that color as some sort of revenge, or maybe it was a bet. It quickly became an albatross — everyone in town knew that car was ours. We were immediately recognizable everywhere.
• One day while I was walking around Villa Tasso, which probably had only about 200 residents, I found a Mini Cooper in someone's yard. I ran back home to get my father to drag him to look at it, because I wanted it. He bought it for $75; I don't know if the title was in my name, but it was supposed to be for me. The interior was shot and the tires were all flat. Because it was going to be my car, I had to help my father take each tire off one at a time, roll it back to our house, pump it up with a compressor (yes, we had one at the house), roll it back to the car, and put it back on. We then rolled the car to our house. My father was going to get it into running condition for me. I wanted to have it painted purple and yellow and call it the Minnesota Mini. Nothing ever happened with it, and I believe my father sold it for the $75 he paid for it.
• My first motorcycle was a 75CC Yamahauler in 1975 or so, which I think my father bought for me. It was kind of a starter motorcycle for kids. My father, however, liked to ride around on it, but it was so small his knees were up by his ears. I don't remember what happened to the bike.
• My mother drove a Chevy Corvair for a while. I think it was white. I remember that it was really low to the ground, because when we had heavy rains and the unpaved roads in Villa Tasso flooded, we couldn't go out in the Corvair, because the water came up through the floorboards. At least once the only way we managed to get to school was the parent of another student who lived in Villa Tasso came and picked us up.
• After my parents divorced and my mother had married my stepfather, the latter promised me a 1964 1/2 Ford Mustang convertible (the only car I've ever really wanted) for my high school graduation present. At one point he found a 1967 Mustang for me and started to fix it up. While he was working on it he discovered that it was rusting out from the inside (the joys of unibody construction), so he slapped a quick paint job on it (I think it was light tan) and sold it to someone. I never drove the car.
• I don't know when we got it, but in 1979 we had a Fiat 124. It was a small, boxy yellow car. My sister nicknamed it Turkey, after the character on Captain Kool and the Kongs. In one of the few instances when I really got in trouble with my parents growing up, I drove the Fiat by myself in the summer of 1979 from Villa Tasso to Auburn, Alabama for a reunion of students who had participated in a math seminar the previous year. It was a 200-mile trip in a torrential, driving Southern thunderstorm, and I had no idea that the car shouldn't have been able to make the trip. It didn't give me any problems on the way.
• Sometime around 1980 or 1981 my parents moved to San Antonio, Texas. No recollection as to when he found it, but my stepfather bought a 1964 1/2 Mustang that had been sitting on the back part of someone's property for many, many years. It wasn't a convertible, and the tires, roof, and interior were shot, but the body was in decent shape. Just like my Minnesota Mini, this was supposed to have been fixed up for me. It never was, and in 1992 I had my parents sell the car so I could make a down payment on a house. That was where I lived for 24 years in Oakland, California. I used to tell people I was living in my Mustang.
• Maybe around 1983, while I was living in Los Angeles, I had a red Ford Pinto. I don't remember where or how I got it. I do remember someone broke into it one day while it was parked in front of where I was living. The only thing stolen was the registration. I have no memory of what happened to it.
• Sometime after the Pinto I acquired a Pontiac Firebird, or one of the GM cars that had the same body. I think it was white (I seem to have had a lot of white cars). I had it in 1984, because I drove it to San Antonio while the Olympics were in town. All nonessential staff at USC were told to take two weeks of vacation during the Olympics to get us off the campus. I drove the car to San Antonio because my stepfather was going to give it a spiffy paint job for me (he was primarily a paint and body man). I had my bicycle in the back seat, so he could paint that also. When I arrived, however, Ric looked over the car and discovered the head was cracked, so he wouldn't let me have it back. He did paint the bicycle a beautiful pearl flake (which he had left over in the shop), and I brought it back to L.A. with me on the plane trip I had to take because I no longer had the car.
• After knee surgery in 1985, I could no longer ride a bicycle, so I decided to buy a motorcycle, because it was less expensive than a car. I got a Suzuki GS550. I think it was red. I had a custom plate that read "JANS GS." I kept it for a few years until I upgraded to a larger bike.
• Sometime around 1986 or 1987 I got a 1964 Pontiac Catalina (I think) 9-passenger station wagon from my parents. I think I had determined that as cool as it was to ride the motorcycle, occasionally I needed to move stuff around (although I have moved furniture and large musical instruments on a motorcycle). I wanted my stepfather to paint it black, so it would look like a hearse, but that's when I learned that black is a very difficult color to do well. The car ended up green, which was a color he had left over in the shop (again). It came in really handy while I was in the USC Marching Band, because it was almost big enough to fit an entire 10-piece band (used for small gigs) and all their instruments. In 1988 or 1989, someone broke one of the quarter panel windows, which would have cost about $300 to replace, to steal a $20 emergency car care kit. Luckily, my stepfather had another station wagon in the shop that used the same windows, so he shipped me the replacement, and all I had to pay for was the installation. When I moved from Los Angeles to Berkeley, I drove the Oldsmobile. One of my new friends in the Bay Area nicknamed the car Space Cruiser Yamato because it was so huge. When the transmission started to go, it was too expensive to have the work done locally, so I put the car on a car carrier to send back to my stepfather to work on. Through a series of events painful to recall, the station wagon was never retrieved from the shipper, so it was claimed on a lien and lost to me forever.
• While I was still in Los Angeles, I decided that the Suzuki 550 was not big enough anymore, so I sold it and bought a Honda CB750K. It was blue. It was also a relatively unpopular model. It was tall and had a very high center of gravity. To take out the battery, you had to remove the covers from both sides of the bike. The center stand was an absolute bear to maneuver; it always took two people to get it to work. The one thing the bike really had going for it was the 5 1/2 gallon gas tank, because it was built for touring. I drove that motorcycle up and down I-5 several times to go to Renaissance Faires in the Bay Area. It was stolen one night while I was working at the USC Hillel (I was the kosher cook there), so between fall of 1988 and spring of 1989. (I'm pretty sure I know who stole it, in a revenge scheme, but I was never able to prove it.) I lasted about a week before I bought a replacement bike (see my next entry). A couple of months after I bought the new bike, the Honda was found by the police on the side of a freeway, where it had been abandoned by someone running from the police. I don't remember how I got it up to Berkeley when I moved there in September 1989, but I couldn't find a buyer. I ended up giving it to my landlady's lover. I think I had a personal license plate for this bike also.
• Because I couldn't stand not having a motorcycle after the Honda was stolen, I went out and found a new bike. I went bigger again, this time buying a Yamaha XJ 920 Virago. It was black. It was a pretty cool bike. I rode it up and down I-5 a bunch of times also, although I had to stop for gas more often, because it wasn't a touring bike and had only a 3 1/2 gallon tank. I had a personal plate for it, but I don't remember what it was. I had the Virago until the summer of 1994, when the third (expletive deleted) who drove through a red light totaled it. I was very lucky and came out of the incident with only a broken toe. Of course the idiot didn't have insurance.
• Shortly before I moved to Berkeley, one of my housemates abruptly moved out and left her Honda Rebel 125 motorcycle behind. I got a title for it purely so I could sell it, but that did make it mine for a while. I think I rode it once or twice?
• I think it was after I bought the house in Oakland, therefore 1993 or later, that I got the 1971 Oldsmobile Delta 88 convertible. This was also from my parents. I was told it was one of the three largest production convertibles ever made; it was an absolute boat. I remember the first thing that my stepfather and his business partner both told me when I saw the car: "Never lock the doors." It is too easy with a ragtop to just slice the cover, so there's no use taking the risk. This car, which was another white one, was fun to drive. It had tons of room and turned on a dime. But with a 455 engine, it got 10 miles to the gallon when it was fully tuned, going downhill, with the wind behind it. In addition to that problem, I realized I was never putting the top down. I eventually sold the car to my cousin. I don't know what he did with it.
• After selling the convertible I needed a replacement vehicle. This time my parents provided me with a 1983 Chevy G20 short van. I flew to Florida (they had moved back from Texas by that time) to pick it up and drive it to California. This was probably in early 1995. I loved that van; it was a workhorse. Oh, did I mention it was white? I drove it up and down I-5 to multiple Ren Faires and game conventions. I took it to Reno for a conference for work and then down to Vegas for a get-together of game industry people. I even had the engine rebuilt when the car hit 150,000 miles. Eventually it died at 255,000 miles, in 2010, and I gave it to a charity reseller. The personal license plate was "DRD PIR8" (for Dread Pirate, from The Princess Bride).
• Probably about 2007 my surgeon said I had recovered enough from shoulder surgery that it was ok for me to ride a motorcycle again. I looked up bikes on Craigslist and found someone selling a red crotch rocket. I don't remember what make it was, but it was definitely Japanese, because all I've ever owned are rice burners. It turned out that I wasn't actually recovered enough, because the shoulder had torn again, so I didn't have the bike for long before I sold it.
• I don't do well without my own transportation. When my Chevy van died in 2010, it took me only four days from when my mechanic told me it was a goner to buying a replacement. My father helped me find a 2003 Chrysler PT Cruiser Turbo. I transferred the DRD PIR8 license plate to it. I was thinking I was finally going to have a vehicle with decent mileage, but my sister, who had owned a few Cruisers, warned me that the Turbo wasn't that great. It was an improvement over the van, though: I went from 15 to 20 miles per gallon. The Putt Putt, as I fondly called it, was reasonably reliable. It was black, which I discovered made the interior much warmer than I had expected. After all those white cars, it was a huge difference. The Cruiser and I got along fairly well, but it died on me in spectacular fashion this past June, conking out on Sepulveda Boulevard in the San Fernando Valley in rush-hour traffic. My mechanic back home in Oakland wanted to check it out to make sure about the condition, so I had it towed the 400 miles back. After performing last rites over it, it was time to move on.
• The vehicle I have now is a silver 2005 Toyota RAV4. I think it took a couple of weeks after the Cruiser died to finalize this purchase, mostly because of being out of town when it happened. This is kind of like having a van again, because it has a lot of room inside. It was crammed totally full when I drove the 600 miles to Portland, Oregon on August 31. I didn't transfer my personalized plates because the existing plates were still valid through November, and I already knew I was going to be moving to Oregon, so it made no sense to buy new California plates. So I have some nondescript plates for the moment, but last week I registered the Toyota here in Portland, and my new custom plates are on the way. Unfortunately, Oregon allows only six characters on a license plate, so I had to settle for DRD PR8.
Friday, November 24, 2017
National Day of Listening 2017
The Friday after Thanksgiving has been designated as the National Day of Listening since it was launched in 2008 by StoryCorps, a nonprofit oral history project. Americans are encouraged to take the time to record the stories of family members, friends, and members of the community. I'm posting a little later than I intended, but there is still time to participate!
StoryCorps has recommendations for equipment and resources if you want to conduct interviews today or even during the remainder of the holiday weekend. Take some time to listen to a relative and record that person's memories. Keep your family history alive by saving the stories and sharing them with other family members.
StoryCorps has recommendations for equipment and resources if you want to conduct interviews today or even during the remainder of the holiday weekend. Take some time to listen to a relative and record that person's memories. Keep your family history alive by saving the stories and sharing them with other family members.
Wednesday, November 22, 2017
Tuesday, November 21, 2017
Giving Thanks for an Amazing Genealogy Resource
It's the time of year when people give thanks for many things in their lives. Prompted by Elizabeth O'Neal of My Descendants' Ancestors, I want to give thanks for one of the most important, amazing resources in genealogy: volunteers. Without them far less would be accomplished. It's particularly gratifying when someone is inspired by something you wrote to step in and help.
Earlier this year I wrote about a photo that I had found two years previously, for which I had been fruitlessly trying to find the owner. One of my readers, Alan, took it upon himself to try to figure out who the beautiful woman in the photo was — and he succeeded. By juggling well selected search terms in Google, he identified her as actress Juanita Moore, and even figured out who her nephew was. Then I realized I knew the nephew, and I was able to return the photo to him. I learned that he has been researching his aunt's career in order to nominate her for a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame, and the photo was the only known copy. If not for Alan's help, it's unlikely the photo would have made its way back home. So my biggest thanks this year go to him.
Earlier this year I wrote about a photo that I had found two years previously, for which I had been fruitlessly trying to find the owner. One of my readers, Alan, took it upon himself to try to figure out who the beautiful woman in the photo was — and he succeeded. By juggling well selected search terms in Google, he identified her as actress Juanita Moore, and even figured out who her nephew was. Then I realized I knew the nephew, and I was able to return the photo to him. I learned that he has been researching his aunt's career in order to nominate her for a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame, and the photo was the only known copy. If not for Alan's help, it's unlikely the photo would have made its way back home. So my biggest thanks this year go to him.
Saturday, November 18, 2017
Saturday Night Genealogy Fun: Expanded Ancestor's Geneameme
You've heard of the game of 20 Questions, right? How about 70 questions? That's how many Randy Seaver is asking readers to answer for today's Saturday Night Genealogy Fun.
Your mission, should you decide to accept it (cue the Mission: Impossible! music), is:
(1) Jill Ball created a 40-question "Ancestors' Geneameme" in 2011, and Linda Stufflebean recently expanded it to 70 questions on her Empty Branches on the Family Tree blog.
(2) Let's do Linda's expanded list this week for SNGF.
(3) Copy and paste the list of questions below and replace my answers with your own.
(4) Share your answers as a comment on this b;og post, in your own blog post, or on Facebook or Google+. Please leave a comment and al ink to your answer in a comment on this blog post.
Ok, here are my answers.
Your mission, should you decide to accept it (cue the Mission: Impossible! music), is:
(1) Jill Ball created a 40-question "Ancestors' Geneameme" in 2011, and Linda Stufflebean recently expanded it to 70 questions on her Empty Branches on the Family Tree blog.
(2) Let's do Linda's expanded list this week for SNGF.
(3) Copy and paste the list of questions below and replace my answers with your own.
(4) Share your answers as a comment on this b;og post, in your own blog post, or on Facebook or Google+. Please leave a comment and al ink to your answer in a comment on this blog post.
Ok, here are my answers.
- Can name my 16 great-great-grandparents Yes
- Can name my 32 great-great-great-grandparents No
- Can name more than 50 ancestors Yes
- Have photos or portraits of my 8 great-grandparents Yes
- Have an ancestor who was married more than three times Yes
- Have an ancestor who was a bigamist Not that I know of
- Met all four of my grandparents Yes
- Met one or more of my great-grandparents Yes, rumor has it
- Bear an ancestor’s given name/s No
- Named a child after an ancestor No
- Have an ancestor from Great Britain or Ireland Yes
- Have an ancestor from Asia Not that I know of
- Have an ancestor from continental Europe Yes
- Have an ancestor from Africa Not that I know of within recent history
- Have an ancestor who was an agricultural laborer Yes
- Have an ancestor who had large land holdings Not that I know of
- Have an ancestor who was a holy man: minister, priest, rabbi Yes
- Have an ancestor who was a midwife Not that I know of
- Have an ancestor who was an author Not that I know of
- Have an ancestor with the surname Wong, Kim, Suzuki, or Ng No
- Have an ancestor with the surname Smith, Murphy, or Jones Not that I know of
- Have an ancestor with a surname beginning with X No
- Have an ancestor with a forename beginning with Z Yes
- Have an ancestor born on 25 December Not that I know of
- Have an ancestor born on New Year’s Day Not that I know of (whose New Year?)
- Have an ancestor who shares your day and month of birth Not that I know of
- Have blue blood in your family lines Yes
- Have a parent who was born in a country different from my country of birth No
- Have a grandparent who was born in a country different from my country of birth No
- Can trace a family line back to the 18th century Yes
- Can trace a family line back to the 17th century Yes
- Can trace a family line back to the 16th century Yes
- Have seen signatures of some of my great-grandparents Yes
- Have ancestors who signed with an X (or other mark) Yes
- Have a grandparent or earlier ancestor who went to university No
- Have an ancestor convicted of a criminal offense Not that I know of
- Have an ancestor who was a victim of crime Yes
- Have shared an ancestor’s story online or in a magazine/periodical Yes
- Have published a family history online or in print Yes
- Have visited an ancestor’s home from the 19th or earlier centuries Yes
- Have a family Bible from the 19th century No
- Have a family Bible from the 18th century or earlier No
- Have an ancestor who was part of a multiple birth (twins, etc.) Not that I know of
- Have a family member who closely resembles an ancestor Yes
- Have an ancestor who owned their own business Yes
- Have an ancestor who belonged to a trade guild Not that I know of
- Have an ancestor who moved more than 100 miles away from his/her birth home, EXCLUDING immigration to another country Yes
- Have an ancestor who gave birth to twelve or more children Yes
- Have an ancestor with a rare/unusual/uncommon forename Yes
- Have an ancestral family who changed their surname Yes
- Have a passenger list or travel manifest for an ancestor Yes
- Have an ancestor who was adopted Yes
- Have an ancestor who adopted a child Yes
- Have a naturalization record for an ancestor Yes
- Have an ancestor who received a military pension Yes
- Have a school record or school census for an ancestor Yes
- Have an ancestor with a gravestone still in existence from the 18th century Yes
- Have an ancestor with a gravestone still in existence from the 17th century or earlier Not that I know of
- Have an ancestor who had only one child who survived to adulthood Yes
- Are descended twice from one couple Yes
- Are descended three times or more from one couple Yes
- Are descended from an American president or other political figure Not that I know of
- Are descended from a person famous in history, other than in politics Yes
- Have an ancestor with a rare/unusual/unique surname Yes
- Have an ancestor who you have found mentioned in a pre-1870 newspaper Yes
- Can name the ship on which at least one ancestor emigrated Yes
- Have a female ancestor who worked outside the home pre-World War II Yes
- Know of at least one ancestor who returned to the ancestral home after emigration Yes
- Know of at least one ancestor who permanently returned to the ancestral home after emigration No
- Have an ancestor who was survived by 50 or more grandchildren No
Wednesday, November 15, 2017
Tuesday, November 14, 2017
Genealogy Resources Are Like eBay
I can already hear some of you muttering out there: Barely two months in Portland, and the rain has already turned her brain to mush. I know it sounds like a weird comparison, but hear me out.
I search for lots of different kinds of items on eBay related to my family's history, particularly historic postcards with images of ancestral towns. Something I've noticed over the years is that the sellers who post items on eBay generally target only the market they are involved in and don't think about any cross-marketing. For example, a postcard with a scene from Tukums, Latvia might be listed as a postcard, with details about the postmark and/or the stamp, or possibly a description of the scene. But practically no one includes the sender's and recipient's names written on the postcard, even if they are in Roman characters and easily readable, in the item's description. I believe that happens because those sellers are totally focused on their own communities — collectors of stamps, postmarks, postcards, etc. — and don't see other value to the items beyond that focus. It never occurs to them that there might be a descendant or other family member of the person to whom the postcard was sent who would be interested in the item.
So, for example, the image shown above is the address side of a postcard with postmarks from 1900. It has a May 14 Warsaw postmark and one from May 29 from Paris. The front of the postcard has two views of Kamenets Podolsky, from the north and south. The description of the item mentioned the postmarks and that the images were of Kamenets Podolsky. It did not list the addressee — Mademoiselle Suzanne Lambert, Chez Madam sa Mére, Rue de la Rochelle, Bar-le-Duc, which translates to Miss Suzanne Lambert, c/o her mother, Rue de la Rochelle, Bar-le-Duc — even though it's pretty easy to read. If you were related to Suzanne Lambert, wouldn't you love to find this card available online? But the odds of you doing so would be diminishingly small without her name in the listing. So you need to think of other ways to search for items, such as looking for the towns your family members were in. One man I knew used that method to find some postcards sent between relatives and then followed the sellers, who continued to post more over time. Eventually my acquaintance acquired more than half a dozen postcards, which were instrumental in learning more about his family.
And how does that relate to genealogy resources? Something many, many people forget is that the vast majority of resources genealogists use in our research were not created for genealogical purposes. While the mega genealogy sites (FamilySearch, Ancestry, FindMyPast, and MyHeritage) have made it much easier to find records based on any individual's name, not all indices are that thorough. Probate records are still often indexed only by the name of the decedent and not any of the heirs. Many records in archives may not have a finding aid at all. We can't count on the repositories to create indices that cater to us, because as I said, those records weren't created for us. We need to keep in mind why records were created and how a repository uses them and then tailor our searches to fit those parameters. It's nice if a repository allows something such as an every-name index to be made, but we can't count on that.
Saturday, November 11, 2017
Saturday Night Genealogy Fun: Make an Ancestor's Timeline
I haven't participated in Saturday Night Genealogy Fun for the past few weeks, partly because I'm still unpacking mountains of moving boxes (will it never end?!) and partly because the themes weren't really up my alley. This week, however, Randy Seaver chose a topic that looked a little more fun to me.
Your mission, should you decide to accept it (cue the Mission: Impossible! music), is:
(1) Have you created a timeline for one of your ancestors using a genealogy software program (e.g., Family Tree Maker, RootsMagic, Legacy, Reunion, etc.), an online family tree (e.g., Ancestry Member Tree, FamilySearch Family Tree, Geni, MyHeritage, etc.), or a spreadsheet (e.g., Excel)?
(2) If not, try to create a timeline using the program/Web site of your choice. If so, create another one for the ancestor of your choice!
(3) Show us your timeline creation and tell us how you did it: which program/Web site, the process you used, and how you captured the images to display your timeline.
(4) Share your timeline creation on your own blog post, in a comment to this post, or on Facebook or Google+.
1 and 2. I have created a timeline before. In fact, Randy used this idea in 2016, and I posted a timeline then. In addition, the program I use, Family Tree Maker, automatically creates a timeline with the facts that you enter about each individual. I created the timeline I'm posting tonight specifically for this exercise.
3. I use Family Tree Maker v. 16. I created a Genealogy Report that included all the facts I had for my great-grandfather Thomas Kirkland Gauntt. I exported the information in an RTF file, then added additional facts and edited the file in MS Word. I copied and pasted the text from Word directly into this blog post. I have found that makes it easier to read, as opposed to doing a screen capture. As Randy commented, it's pretty plain, but the benefit of exporting the file and opening it in a word processor is that I can add as much information as I want to it.
Your mission, should you decide to accept it (cue the Mission: Impossible! music), is:
(1) Have you created a timeline for one of your ancestors using a genealogy software program (e.g., Family Tree Maker, RootsMagic, Legacy, Reunion, etc.), an online family tree (e.g., Ancestry Member Tree, FamilySearch Family Tree, Geni, MyHeritage, etc.), or a spreadsheet (e.g., Excel)?
(2) If not, try to create a timeline using the program/Web site of your choice. If so, create another one for the ancestor of your choice!
(3) Show us your timeline creation and tell us how you did it: which program/Web site, the process you used, and how you captured the images to display your timeline.
(4) Share your timeline creation on your own blog post, in a comment to this post, or on Facebook or Google+.
1 and 2. I have created a timeline before. In fact, Randy used this idea in 2016, and I posted a timeline then. In addition, the program I use, Family Tree Maker, automatically creates a timeline with the facts that you enter about each individual. I created the timeline I'm posting tonight specifically for this exercise.
3. I use Family Tree Maker v. 16. I created a Genealogy Report that included all the facts I had for my great-grandfather Thomas Kirkland Gauntt. I exported the information in an RTF file, then added additional facts and edited the file in MS Word. I copied and pasted the text from Word directly into this blog post. I have found that makes it easier to read, as opposed to doing a screen capture. As Randy commented, it's pretty plain, but the benefit of exporting the file and opening it in a word processor is that I can add as much information as I want to it.
May 25, 1870, born in Fairview, Medford Township,
Burlington County, New Jersey
June 28, 1870,
enumerated in U.S. federal census in Medford Township, Burlington County, New
June 15, 1880, enumerated in U.S. federal census in
Mt. Laurel, Burlington County, New Jersey
May 15, 1885, enumerated in New Jersey state census
in Centre, Camden County, New Jersey; occupation farm laborer
September 2, 1891, married Jane Dunstan in Greenland,
Burlington County, New Jersey
May 15, 1895, enumerated in New Jersey state census
in Centre, Camden County, New Jersey
June 27, 1900, enumerated in U.S. federal census in
Mt. Laurel, Burlington County, New Jersey; occupation farm laborer
June 1, 1905, enumerated in New Jersey state census
in Burlington County, New Jersey
April 27, 1910, enumerated in U.S. federal census in
Mt. Holly, Northampton Township, Burlington County, New Jersey; occupation
insurance agent
June 1, 1915, enumerated in New Jersey state census
in Mt. Holly, Northampton Township, Burlington County, New Jersey
February 1920, enumerated in U.S. federal census in
Burlington, Burlington County, New Jersey; occupation farm laborer
April 23, 1930, enumerated in U.S. federal census in
Mt. Holly, Northampton Township, Burlington County, New Jersey
1935, living in Burlington, Burlington County, New
April 15, 1940, enumerated in U.S. federal census in
Mt. Holly, Burlington County, New Jersey
August 1, 1954, died in Mount Holly, Burlington
County, New Jersey of a pulmonary embolism
Wednesday, November 8, 2017
Wednesday, November 1, 2017
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