This is the first date for which I have an event for a Söller, which was the original German spelling of my Sellers family name. My Söller ancestor came to the British colonies in 1728 and became a British citizen before the American Revolution.
Maria Salome Söller, daughter of Johann Paul Söller and Anna Maria Heilmann, was born April 4, 1697 in Weinheim, Baden. She is my 1st cousin 3x removed.
Elizabeth A. Gaunt, daughter of Benjamin Franklin Gaunt and Elizabeth K. Frazer, was born April 4, 1846 in New Jersey, probably in Burlington County. She is my 2nd cousin 3x removed.
Sallie Janet Hartman, daughter of Samuel Frank Hartman and Lucy Ann Gaunt, was born April 4, 1878 in Burlington County, New Jersey. She is my 3rd cousin 2x removed.
Esther Jane Ellis, daughter of Levi Ellis and Carrie Florence Gauntt, was born April 4, 1915 in Burlingotn, Burlington County, New Jersey. She is my 1st cousin once removed.
Kenneth Melvin Gantt, son of Carl Thomas Gantt and Mabelle Yost, was born April 4, 1921 in Bradshaw, York County, Nebraska. He is my 4th cousin 2x removed (Gantts are also Gaunts, by the way).
Ruth Rebecca Segal was born April 4, 1925 in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. She was married to George Kushner, son of Myrim Kushner and Chaye Golubchik, who is my 3rd cousin once removed on my Meckler line through the Golubchiks.
Selma Belle Lubin was born April 4, 1927 in New Bedford, Bristol County, Massachusetts. She was married to Sydney Brainin, son of Max Joseph Brainin and Nellie Doctor, who is my 1st cousin once removed.
Rose Marie Gaunt, daughter of Frank Eugene Gaunt and Judith Maxine Ditzenberger, was born April 4, 1956 in Fort Wayne, Allen County, Indiana. She is my 6th cousin once removed.
Mary Esther Desiree Lewis was born April 4, 1986 in San Antonio, Bexar County, Texas. She is the mother of Natalie Desiree Doerner, who is my grandniece.
Joseph Sellers, son of John Leonard Sellers and Elizabeth Wenger, and Leah Crumrine were married on April 4, 1852 in Allen County, Ohio. Joseph is my 3rd cousin 4x removed.
George Horner Gaunt, son of Samuel Gaunt and Ann Horner, and Emily A. Miller were married on April 4, 1855 in Gloucester County, New Jersey. George is my 3rd cousin 4x removed.
Joe Gordon (originally Gorodetsky), son of Victor Gordon (originally Gorodetsky) and Esther Leah Schneiderman, and Sarah Libby Brainin, daughter of Mendel Hertz Brainin and Ruchel Dwojre Jaffe, were married on April 4, 1914 in Manhattan, New York County, New York. They are my maternal great-grandparents.
Earl Perkins and Patricia Ann Lore, daughter of Clarence Newcomb Lore and Dorothy Mae Sellers, were married on April 4, 1981 in Ft. Myers Beach, Lee County, Florida. Pattie is my 1st cousin.
David Harry Durland and Laura Lynn Sellers, daughter of Bertram Lynn Sellers, Jr. and Mary Lou Jocelyn Bowen, were married on April 4, 2004 in Indialantic, Brevard County, Florida. Laurie is my half-sister.
Gertrude Perlman, daughter of Abraham Perlman and Stella Joffe, died April 4, 1928 at the age of 4 in Brooklyn, Kings County, New York. She is my 3rd cousin once removed on my Nowicki line through the Perlmans.
Adele Garfinkel, daughter of Eliezer Louis Garfinkel and Doba Ajzner, died April 4, 1970 at the age of 34 in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. She is my 2nd cousin 2x removed on my Meckler line through the Garfinkels.
Donna Jean Phillips, daughter of Cecil Thurman Phillips and Martha Ann Surran, died April 4, 2001 at the age of 46 in Wichita, Sedgwick County, Kansas. She is my 4th cousin on my Gauntt line through the Surrans.

Genealogy is like a jigsaw puzzle, but you don't have the box top, so you don't know what the picture is supposed to look like. As you start putting the puzzle together, you realize some pieces are missing, and eventually you figure out that some of the pieces you started with don't actually belong to this puzzle. I'll help you discover the right pieces for your puzzle and assemble them into a picture of your family.
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