Saturday, August 10, 2024

Saturday Night Genealogy Fun: What Is on Your FamilySearch To-Do List?

FamilySearch seems to be on Randy Seaver's mind a lot lately, and tonight's Saturday Night Genealogy Fun challenge continues the trend.

Come on, everybody, join in and accept the mission and execute it with precision.

1.  When was the last time you visited the FamilySearch Library in Salt Lake City, or visited a local FamilySearch Center?

2.  What record collections are on your to-do list, whether at the FamilySearch Library, a FamilySearch Center, the Full-Text Search feature online, digital microfilm on Images, or catalog links on the site?

3.  Share a link to your blog post, or your Facebook Status post, on this post.

The last time I visited the FamilySearch Library (which at that time was still known as the Family History Library) was the same as Randy, in 2020 during RootsTech.  I unfortunately have not had a chance to go back since then.

The last time I visited a local FamilySearch Center was, let me think . . . oh, this past Tuesday!  That's because I volunteer at my local FamilySearch Center in Gresham, Oregon and have a regular weekly shift.

I unfortunately am not as organized as Randy in my list of collections on my to-do list, no matter how much I should be.  I bounce around between many different record sets on a given day, depending on what family I am researching.  But I spend a lot of time with New York City vital records on a regular basis.  I am still not having much luck with the Full-Text Search; I guess the databases it searches so far are not yet related to the research I am doing.  And I do have plans to start working on land deeds and probate for a lot of my family lines, so they're on my to-do list.


  1. I forgot to answer about when I was last at the FamilySearch Library--it was last year. I had gone to SLC for a BCG board meeting, which I ended up not attending, as I found tons of books I wanted to view there. Hooray for you volunteering at your local center!

    1. And hooray for you volunteering at yours! (Which I used to volunteer at until I moved here!) I'm glad you found lots of books at FSL.

  2. I haven't been to SLC since 2019, when they first started to renovate the library. Thank you for volunteering your time at your local FamilySearch Center. We'd be very lost without local access.

    1. I started volunteering at my local FSC within a week of having moved here. Next year will mark 25 years of volunteering with them.


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