Saturday, September 7, 2024

Saturday Night Genealogy Fun: What Is Your Most Recent Genealogy Happy Dance?

It's always fun to hear about people's genealogy successes, the topic of tonight's Saturday Night Genealogy Fun challenge from Randy Seaver.

A Genea-Musings reader asked me [Randy Seaver] in email, "What is your most recent genealogy happy dance?  What did you find, how did you do it, and what did you learn from it?"

My most recent genealogy happy dance was not for a new discovery of my own, but for one by my cousin.

In response to last week's Saturday Night Genealogy Fun post about staying in contact with relatives, my cousin wrote about having met a cousin she had not known previously.  It was even an in-person meeting!  The newly met cousin brought photos to share and mentioned that he and his family had identified everyone in his bar mitzvah photo except one couple — who happened to be my cousin's parents!

Now if that isn't worthy of the genealogy happy dance, I don't know what is.

And as far as I'm concerned, the lesson to be learned from this is that you should reach out to as many cousins as you can, because you never know what you will learn.


  1. What fun, not only to meet an unknown cousin, but one who shared photos and family history. Definitely worth the genealogy happy dance!


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