Rhoda was born on her father's 28th birthday. Another special birthday present!
Caroline Estella Oler was born December 13, 1882 in Indiana. She was married to James Edward Slentz, son of Ephraim Slentz and Zilpha Emily Gaunt, who is my 4th cousin 2x removed via the Gaunts.
Sam Brozovsky was born December 13, 1926 in Ottawa, Ontario Canada. He was the husband of Ann Kardish, daughter of Dovid Kardish and Etta Gorodetsky, who is my 1st cousin 2x removed on my Gorodetsky line.
Nathanial Barker, son of Walter Barker and Carrie Bell Crawford, was born December 13, 1938 in Georgia, probably Muscogee County. He is the 1st cousin 3x removed of my not-quite-cousin Angela Williams on her Crawford line.
Rhoda Brozovsky, daughter of Sam Brozovsky and Ann Kardish, was born December 13, 1954 in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. She is my 2nd cousin 1x removed on my Gorodetsky line through the Kardishes.
Alexis Ann Omichinski was born December 13, 1982. She is my 4th cousin 1x removed.
Ian Elliot Kardish Levitan was born December 13, 1990. He is my 3rd cousin.
James Pharo, son of Gervais Farrow and Elizabeth Hawkesmore, and Ann Murfin, daughter of Robert Murfin, were married December 13, 1673 in Bawtry, Yorkshire, England. They are my 8th-great-grandparents.
Earl Morris Hutson, son of Bateman Hutson and Lorinda Brown, died December 13, 1947 in Brookston, White County, Indiana at the age of 57. He is my 5th cousin 2x removed on my Gauntt line through the Hutsons.
Anna Tania Jakowsczyka, daughter of Aaron Samuel Jakowsczyk and Findla Nowinska (probably Nowicka), died December 13, 1980 in Miami Beach, Dade County, Florida at the age of about 73. She is probably related to me herself (possibly as a 1st cousin 3x removed), but she was the wife of William Socherman (originally Welwel Szocherman), son of Chanania Szocherman and Rojzla Perlmutter, who is my 2nd cousin 2x removed on my Nowicki line through the Perlmutters.
Sarah Clarice Higgins, daughter of Ervie Oscar Higgins and Elizabeth Opal Gaunt, died December 13, 2007 in California, possibly in Butte or Yuba County. She is my 5th cousin 1x removed via the Gaunts.
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