Friday, March 21, 2025

Celebrating the Flowers in My Father's Yard

There really is a "national" day for just about everything, isn't there?  Today, March 21, is National Flower Day, at least according to National Today (but it isn't listed with National Day Calendar, National Day Archives, or Days of the Year; I guess you have to pay each individually).  No background was provided on how the day was officially started (or who paid for it), although they do tie it to the vernal equinox and the beginning of spring.  Notwithstanding all of the suggestions they provide for ways to celebrate National Flower Day, I'm going to celebrate it by sharing a bunch of my father's photos of flowers.

I believe that all of these (or at least most of them) were flowers growing in Daddy's back yard in Mary Esther, Florida.  He loved photography and taking photos of just about anything, and he took lots and lots of photos of things in his back yard, including the flowers.  So to celebrate National Flower Day, here is a small selection of my father's flower photos.  My identifications are based on Google Image searches; if I have something wrong, please let me know.


Southern Magnolia, Magnolia grandiflora

Closed African Lily, Agapanthus inapertus

Amaryllis, Amaryllis belladonna

Brazilian Orchid Tree, Bauhinia forficata

Crape Myrtle, Lagerstroemia indica

Jerusalem Thorn, Parkinsonia aculeata

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